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Home Cryptocurrecy



GOING CASHLESS “We are moving away from cash,” El-Erian says. “Go to Sweden and you’ll see how fast.” In Sweden, just 2% of the country’s transactions are conducted with cash, and that number is expected to decline further down to 0.5% by 2020. Countries like Canada, the US, and the UK...
Ethereum, the second biggest cryptocurrency in terms of market capitalisation, yet, branch away from this and you should see that actually, Ethereum is arguable the biggest blockchain operation in the world. Notoriously, Bitcoin is huge, Ethereum though, behind the scenes is really stealing the show, Consensys have recently reported...
What’s the difference between Ripple the company and ripple (XRP) the cryptocurrency? Many people would assert “Not a lot” given that the former owns most of the latter and its founders were responsible for creating ripple in the first place. Ripple the company has other ideas though, and is...
Il commissario della Commodity and Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) degli Stati Uniti Brian Quintenz ritiene che le aziende partecipanti al settore delle criptovalute debbano creare una struttura di autoregolamentazione. Quintenz ha espresso le sue osservazioni durante un convegno del Bipartisan Policy Center tenutosi il 12 febbraio. Più precisamente, Quintenz ha...
Patrick Dai, Founder of Qtum has announced some new plans for the future of Qtum and the Qtum team. After a recent period of down time, led by cryptocurrency uncertainty in China, it seems Qtum now have some key focuses that aim to drive Qtum forward in the race...
MILANO - Per celebrare il Bitcoin, in occasione dei dieci anni dalla pubblicazione del Manifesto di Satoshi Nakamoto, eToro, la piattaforma “social” di investimenti online leader nel mondo e presente in 140 Paesi con oltre 10 milioni di clienti, lancia il prossimo 31 ottobre 2018 la prima edizione del...
Fine settimana poco entusiasmante per Bitcoin, che nelle ultime tre sessioni registra un saldo negativo del -1.1%. Ieri la regina delle criptovalute ha aperto la sessione a 6597.2 dollari, scambiando al rialzo in una sessione poco volatilechiusa a 6622.4, con massimo a 6662.8 dollari. A frenare l’allungo del mercato ancora una volta...
By CCN Markets: Hackers who paralyzed Florida’s Riviera Beach City’s IT infrastructure are about to laugh all the way to the bank. This is after the Riviera Beach City Council voted to authorize the city’s insurer to meet the ransom demands of the hackers who planted ransomware in the...
Currently headline news for her alleged affair with President Donald Trump, adult entertainer Stormy Daniels has now teamed up with Vice Industry Token (VIT) to begin accepting cryptocurrency for her online services. In a back-handed compliment, Chief Executive of VIT, Stuart Duncan, said that “Even Stormy Daniels understands the value...
La holding finanziaria americana JPMorgan, ha introdotto un nuovo meccanismo per migliorare l’anonimato nelle blockchain basati su Ethereum, riporta CoinDesk La soluzione presentata dalla JPMorgan, è un'estensione del protocollo Zether - un meccanismo di pagamenti confidenziali che è compatibile con Ethereum e altre piattaforme che supportano i contratti intelligenti. L’esenzione...